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الرئيسية » Erasmus+ KA171 project call coordinated by University of Jaén, Spain

Erasmus+ KA171 project call coordinated by University of Jaén, Spain

The current call for the Erasmus+ KA107 project offers fully funded scholarships opportunities belongs to the Inter-Institutional Agreement signed between the University Of Jaén [Spain] and Sohag University. This call targets the undergraduate 1st Cycle, master (2nd cycle) and doctoral (3rd cycle) students from Sohag University for regular motilities for a duration are up to 5 months besides academic staff – Administrative staff for motilities up to 7 days. Attached is the application cover page [to be filled by the applicant] and the guidelines for the call. For additional information regarding the call, contact the program coordinator Dr. Ehab Kotb Elmahallawy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sohag University [Email: sohagerasmuspluska107@gmail.com].  Importantly, the deadline for application is 31/12/2022.

Call guidelines Erasmus Plus KA107 project coordinated by University of Leon_NoCopy

Application Cover page_ Final Jaén