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الرئيسية » The faculty goals

The faculty goals

1- Graduating a veterinarian who is qualified scientifically and clinically to practice the profession and to compete universally.
2- Presenting the scientific and the technical consultations and helping the owners of fish, animal and poultry farms also it presents many consultations in the field of the healthy monitoring on the foods.
3-Oragnizeing the scientific seminars and the training courses to promote the scientific level between the specialized cadres.
4- Activating the role of the faculty in the field of the environment service and society development.
5- Making the necessary requirements for the protection from animal diseases and the mutual diseases which are passed from the animal to the human.
6- Spreading the veterinary healthy culture and how to deal with the foods.
7-Presenting the therapeutic services to the surrounding society at Sohag Governorate.
8- Holding the scientific agreements with international and local institutes and authorities to exchange the experience and conduct the researches